Time to stop?

The reality of the times. People need to wake up!

Spiritually Awkward

Hello dear reader, if you are here it’s because you know my teachings to some degree and follow them in certain places. I thank you for your friendship and loyalty and doing so.

Over the years many of you have heard about my censorship issues. Sadly it’s been very difficult in trying to push forward with them. I have been extremely humble and patient throughout the process and I’ve tried to be very strong. However, I just posted on my Facebook today about what’s been on my mind, but I’d like to finish my thoughts here, so that perhaps others who are not following me on Facebook can also read it, if they follow here instead.

I’d like to start by saying that I know that all of my pages are rigged. I’ve been doing my own research and digging and I’ve come to discover a lot of bizarre stuff…

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Contribution to The Weekly Smile: “Plant Sitting” #weeklysmile

This week has been a little hectic as I try to balance life a little more. I was very pleased to announce the forth-coming short story to my author site, though. Still, it's a little nerve-wracking when you are about to release something you're worked so hard on. This week, my mother and I took... Continue Reading →

Lit. Update: Future Steps

New literary update.

The Whiteraven Net

It feels good to finally have my poetry book released in some form. However, the work doesn’t stop there. Now I face the challenges of promoting it.

As I already knew, “self-publishing” requires you to fund most of the work yourself. It gets disheartening and a bit stressful, but it’s what I have to do for now. At least I’ve accomplished one of my major life goals and can continue to build on it. It’s wonderful to be able to look back on the progress I’ve made, not just in writing but in life.

Now comes the constant effort needed to balance these new parts of my daily life. Plus, I’m renewing my efforts to get a part-time job to support my financial needs. For those readers who are also hoping to publish their work in some form, I highly advise that you get and maintain a day job. Don’t…

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Special Feature: “The Symbolism behind the 2021 Christmas Star”

Vital information.

Church of I.M

The Christmas Star now, represents a great ritual that was planned for this specific moment in time. The Star is actually not a Star but the alignment of planets which give it the illusion that it’s a big bright star. However, it’s not just the alignment that is being referenced . Mainstream is also talking about the comet Leonard, referring to it the same. It too, is being called “The Christmas” Star.

It is a very rare comet that hasn’t been seen for 80,000 years. Its visible around Christmas this year of 2021 and it’s the last and final time that it’ll reach Earth. Leonard may be the.name of the person who discovered it, but much is covered up. Leonard is the name of a demon that is used in great black magic sabbaths. When is the greatest sabbath? Christmas time.

They say that this could be the star of…

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